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Compila il form qui accanto o chiamami al +39 333 301 6554.
Di cosa ti occupi nello specifico
Mi occupo di Project Management, esecuzione e controllo del progetto, gestione delle risorse, pianificazione temporale, monitoraggio e valutazione delle attività.
Ti occupi anche di ambiente?
Si, in particolare di certificazioni e adozione di pratiche eco-friendly per ridurre l'impatto ambientale, includendo energie rinnovabili e materiali sostenibili.
In ambito internazionale di cosa ti occupi?
Mi occupo di analisi e studio delle normative internazionale, adattabilità culturale e gestione delle diversità.
La mia esperienza al tuo servizio
I miei riferimenti
Tel. (+39) 333 301 6554
Dove Siamo
Piazza Duomo, 2 05100 Terni (TR) - Italia.
Scopri tutti i miei servizi a tua disposizione.
Richiedi preventivo.
+39 333 301 6554
+39 333 301 6554
Our mission is to lead our clients and partners to their goals.
A full-service Architecture & Design firm based in New York City, specializing in commercial buildings and educational facilities.
Thomas Smith
San Francisco
Highly recommend
“They exceeded my expectations and will definitely be working with them again
in the future.”
Stella Smith
New York
Excellent team
“They exceeded my expectations and will definitely be working with them again
in the future.”
Ernest Smith
Very professionals
“They exceeded my expectations and will definitely be working with them again
in the future.”
Thomas Smith
San Francisco
Highly recommend
“They exceeded my expectations and will definitely be working with them again
in the future.”
Stella Smith
New York
Excellent team
“They exceeded my expectations and will definitely be working with them again
in the future.”
Ernest Smith
Very professionals
“They exceeded my expectations and will definitely be working with them again
in the future.”
Thomas Smith
San Francisco
Highly recommend
“They exceeded my expectations and will definitely be working with them again
in the future.”
Stella Smith
New York
Excellent team
“They exceeded my expectations and will definitely be working with them again
in the future.”
Ernest Smith
Very professionals
“They exceeded my expectations and will definitely be working with them again
in the future.”